Having trouble quickly finding which location your expensive equipment is at? Or perhaps, you can't easily identify which of your drivers is which rig? The EVENT Software™ Equipment Dispatching is designed to handle that. Not only can you keep track of all your equipment, you can also record the Dispatch Details, Driver History, Pending Events,…
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Contract Management
The EVENT Software™ Contract Management module automatically collects, sorts and reports month-to-month accounting transactions to accurately record and invoice recurring monthly contracts for services, rentals, leases or any other similar agreement. EVENT Contract Management is fully integrated with General Ledger, Accounts Receivable, Inventory and Order Entry to accept information automatically. Individual customers and contracts are…
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Equipment Costing
EVENT Software™ Equipment Costing tracks revenue and expenses for any type of office or construction equipment. Other EVENT modules such as Payroll, Accounts Payable or Capital Assets automatically provide the necessary transaction details. When Equipment Costing and Capital Assets are both installed EVENT automatically merges the key master file information to avoid duplication. The Equipment…
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EVENT Software™ Subcontracting enables you to control your subcontracts and to review the process of billings, charge backs, payments and holdbacks. EVENT Subcontracting is integrated to all applicable EVENT modules such as Accounts Payable, General Ledger and Job Costing if active. Integration means that transactions can flow to the required area without duplication of effort.…
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