
Getting data from Event – How do I pull data from Event for populating my spreadsheets?


Event is ODBC (Open Data Base Connectivity) compliant, which is another way of saying we can push or pull data between our system and other ODBC compliant products, like Excel, Word, Access and many others. To get set up to do this requires an ODBC driver to be installed and configured on your workstation. Our Help Desk would be happy to assist with getting it operational. On another note, most Event reports will directly export to Excel, meaning you might be able to generate data by pushing it out of Event rather than pulling it in using ODBC.


Different Menus – Why does my menu have fewer options on it than other users? Also, why do some have a lock icon beside them?


The Event menu you see is built at time of your login based on your current menu security settings. If you are a regular user (i.e. not a manager nor administrator) and you do not have access to a menu option, that option is hidden. If you have no access to any menu options in a module, the entire module is hidden. If you are a manager or administrator and do not have access to an option, you will see a yellow lock icon beside the option. This is because managers and administrators can change menu security.


Refreshing user security – When I change menu security for my users or user groups, is there an easier way for our users to get the new security settings without having to log off?


Yes there is an easier way. In the lower right corner of your screen, you will see a small green refresh (recycle) button that, when clicked, will refresh a user's security and menu settings without having to log off. Instruct your users to click this after you have completed your security changes.