The EVENT Software™ Purchase Order module provides control over the entire purchasing function from purchase order printing, to receiving and on to payment. Outstanding requisitions and orders are monitored, back orders controlled and drop shipments easily handled.
Benefits of using EVENT Software™ Purchase Orders
Reduce purchasing errors - Integrated and automatic production of Purchase Orders will help lower error rates by reducing the number of steps required to generate an order and assign the cost distribution.
Speed cost allocation by committing costs to other systems such as Job Costing, right at the time purchase orders are issued. Immediately all costs are known throughout the entire system and costing decisions become more accurate.
Maintain a product file if inventory is not active, to control prices and provide repetitively used part numbers and descriptions. Maximum prices can be set to prevent accidental posting of inappropriate costs.
Control the receipt of goods and prices by asking EVENT to report on differences between quantities.
Purchase Orders Features
- Window Lookup
- Keyword Search